Y.createShareLink = function(Y) { return this.post("".concat(t3, "/share/create"), Y); }
如果你想在 Y.createShareLink 函数的返回值中修改 share_url 的域名部分,你可以在函数返回前修改相应的属性。以下是一个示例:
Y.createShareLink = function(Y) { // 发起 POST 请求 const createLinkResponse = this.post("".concat(t3, "/share/create"), Y); // 如果请求成功,且返回了 share_url if (createLinkResponse && createLinkResponse.share_url) { // 将 share_url 中的域名部分替换为 "https://chat.openai.yt" createLinkResponse.share_url = createLinkResponse.share_url.replace("https://chat.openai.com", "https://chat.openai.yt"); } // 返回修改后的结果 return createLinkResponse; }
if (s && !r.current) { r.current = !0; var e = E.tQ.getThreadCurrentLeafId(t), a = E.tQ.getTree(t).getMessageId(e); P.ZP.createShareLink({ current_node_id: a, conversation_id: t, is_anonymous: !0 }).then(function(e) { n.setState({ shareLinkId: e.share_id, shareLinkUrl: e.share_url, isPublic: e.is_public, isDeleted: !e.is_visible, title: e.title, highlightedMessageId: e.highlighted_message_id, initiallyHighlightedMessageId: e.highlighted_message_id, currentNodeId: e.current_node_id, linkAlreadyExisted: e.already_exists, isAnonymous: e.is_anonymous, moderationState: e.moderation_state }) }). catch(function(e) { e instanceof eJ.Q0 && "string" == typeof e.message ? n.setState({ linkError: e.message }) : (en.m.danger("Failed to copy link to clipboard - could not create link"), L.vm.closeSharingModal()) }) }
// 替换 share_url 中的域名部分为 "https://chat.openai.yt" e.share_url = e.share_url.replace("https://chat.openai.com", "https://chat.openai.yt");
if (s && !r.current) { r.current = !0; var e = E.tQ.getThreadCurrentLeafId(t), a = E.tQ.getTree(t).getMessageId(e); P.ZP.createShareLink({ current_node_id: a, conversation_id: t, is_anonymous: !0 }).then(function(e) { // 替换 share_url 中的域名部分为 "https://chat.openai.yt" e.share_url = e.share_url.replace("https://chat.openai.com", "https://chat.openai.yt"); n.setState({ shareLinkId: e.share_id, shareLinkUrl: e.share_url, isPublic: e.is_public, isDeleted: !e.is_visible, title: e.title, highlightedMessageId: e.highlighted_message_id, initiallyHighlightedMessageId: e.highlighted_message_id, currentNodeId: e.current_node_id, linkAlreadyExisted: e.already_exists, isAnonymous: e.is_anonymous, moderationState: e.moderation_state }) }). catch(function(e) { e instanceof eJ.Q0 && "string" == typeof e.message ? n.setState({ linkError: e.message }) : (en.m.danger("Failed to copy link to clipboard - could not create link"), L.vm.closeSharingModal()) }) }